The Black Hereford Chronicles

The podcast features Black Hereford news, insightful conversations and interviews with industry movers and shakers. Here we cover all things Black Hereford.

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Ep 28- ABHA Update with Ernie

Tuesday May 02, 2023

Tuesday May 02, 2023

ABHA Executive Dir. Ernie Dominguez and I visit about the current status of the breed association, future plans and dive deep into all things Jr Nationals.
Sponsored by:
JH CattleTodd: 423-302-8054
HI/ Cattle

Tuesday Apr 18, 2023

Dr. Julia Herman DVM is back to talk about the basic necessities we all should be prepared with.
Sponsored by:
Gaestel Family Farms304-268-9121
Peters Farm Black
HI/ Cattle

Tuesday Apr 04, 2023

Embryo Transfer is an expensive game to play, so we'd might as well make sure we are going in with eyes wide open and prepared to make it as successful as possible. The International Embryo Technology School is here to help educate ranchers world wide about all things ET. We had a fascinating conversation about the history and potential future of the technology and how to make it work best. Sponsored by:
Gaestel Family Farms304-268-9121
Peters Farm Black
HI/ Cattle

Tuesday Mar 21, 2023

I sat down for a fascinating conversation with BH breeder Michael Sherman. We talked about they way he is performance testing his cattle and why it's so important to his operation and the breed as a whole. Sponsored by:
Gaestel Family Farms304-268-9121Peters Farm Black Herefordspetersfarmblackherefords.comHI/ Cattle

Tuesday Mar 07, 2023

Leoma Wells is a wealth of knowledge. EPD's, genomics, contemporary groups- she's got it all down.
Sponsored By:
Gaestel Family Farms
Peters Farm Black Herefords
HI/ Cattle Co

Tuesday Feb 21, 2023

Mark Ipsen of Ipsen Cattle stopped back by the show to talk about all the ways (and he's tried all of the ways) that exist to sell bulls and why he prefers an internet sale. Lots of great info in here about what goes into a sale and how to build your own.
Sponsored by:
PLC Farms- Philip Carpenter
Peters Farm Black Herefords

Tuesday Feb 07, 2023

We did a deep dive into the science behind SC EPDs and their value, and found some interesting answers.
An interesting interview with Cooper from New Stockyard Group about their Cattle ID app and how it can make data collection and decision making easier.
Sponsored by:
Crazy R Ranch
Brennan Reeder
PLC Farms
Philip Carpenter

EP 21- AI Protocols

Tuesday Jan 24, 2023

Tuesday Jan 24, 2023

There's a lot to know about AIing, and a lot of different variable that should impact which protocol an operation chooses to follow. Are you sure you're maximizing your odds of success?
Sponsored by:
PLC Farms- Philip Carpenter
HI/ Cattle Co.

Tuesday Jan 10, 2023

Tracy Koester is both a seedstock producer and marketing extraordinaire. She's got gobs of experience helping seedstock producers market their animals and real expertise in effectively using social media to get it done. I was lucky enough to get her to share some of those tips with us on the BHC. To learn more about the programs Tracy mentioned in the episode you can visit:
Sponsored by:
PLC Farms- Philip Carpenter
HI/ Cattle Co

Tuesday Dec 13, 2022

We know there are many factors on a cows overall and reproductive health, but what's amazing is thinking about how much we don't know, and how much we are just scraping the surface of. Post Grad Madi Shults and I talked about her Graduate research on the reproductive microbiome and it's potential implications for ranchers.
Sponsored by:
Adams Farm
HI/ Cattle Co

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